1 Technical Assistance Administration
Общая лексика: Управление технической помощиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Technical Assistance Administration
2 Technical Assistance Recruitment and Administration SeviceTARAS
Космонавтика: Административно-кадровая служба технической помощи (ТАРАС)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Technical Assistance Recruitment and Administration SeviceTARAS
1) Общая лексика: total available alumi (Количество содержащегося в образце руды Al2O3, который может быть извлечен в раствор при определенной концентрации щелочи и температуре в идеальных условиях (общее кол-во извлекаемого глинозема).)2) Авиация: Technical Assistance Authorization3) Американизм: TRADE ADJUSTMENT Assistance, Technical Assistance Agency, программа помощи в получении профессии иностранными рабочими (Trade Adjustment Assistance)4) Военный термин: Tactical Assemble Area, Territorial Army Association, Theatre Army Area, Total Army Authorization, Transitional Adjustment Assistance, tactical air arm, tactical assembly area, target acquisition aid, technology assessment analysis, total Army analysis, total aircraft authorized, Tactical Air Army (FSU)5) Техника: Television Appliance Association, thioacetamide6) Сокращение: Technical Assistance Administration, Total Army Analysis 1996-2001 (US Army), Transportation Association of America7) Университет: Transfer Admission Agreement8) Онкология: Tumor Associated Antigen9) Банковское дело: Transaction Advice Addendum10) Транспорт: Terminal Arrival Area, Tulsa Airport Authority11) Фирменный знак: Teen Arrive Alive, Trans Australia Airlines12) Деловая лексика: Программа помощи в приобретении профессии иностранными рабочими (США, Trade Adjustment Assistance)13) Международная торговля: Technical Assistance Agreement -
4 group
army group, Royal Artillery — Бр. армейская группа ПА
army group, Royal Engineers — Бр. армейская инженерная группа
C3 Countermeasures Working group — рабочая группа по вопросам РЭП систем оперативного управления и связи
combat equipment group, Europe — группа обеспечения войск оружием и военной техникой в Европейской зоне (для сил двойного базирования)
European Interdepartment group, NSC — Европейская межведомственная группа СНБ
intelligence data (technical) processing group — группа (технической) обработки разведывательных данных
Standing group, Military Committee — постоянная группа военного комитета НАТО
tactical air (control) group — мор. группа наведения авиации
— address indicating group— FA group— HQ group— launching control group* * *• 1) группа; 2) дивизия• 1) группироваться; 2) группировать -
1) Общая лексика: комбинированная (Manual Transmission Automatically Shifted - Easytronic. Die Easytronic ist ein automatisiertes 5-Gang-Getriebe, das die Vorteile eines Schaltgetriebes mit dem Komfort eines Automatikgetriebes verbindet.), maximum torque angle2) Компьютерная техника: Modem Telephony Agent, Multi Threaded Architecture3) Военный термин: MAC transportation authorization, Maritime Threat Analysis, Marseilles Training Area, Message Traffic Analysis, Military Training Act, maintenance task analysis, maintenance technical assistance, major training, major training area, military training airspace, military training area, missile transfer area, mobile training assistance4) Сельское хозяйство: машинно-тракторные агрегаты5) Шутливое выражение: Mayor Traveling Abroad6) Химия: Medium Quality Terephthalic Acid7) Грубое выражение: Motherfucking Transit Assholes8) Телекоммуникации: Major Trading Area9) Сокращение: Maintenance Training Aid, Manufacturing Technical Assistance, Medical Treatment Accident ((see also MTI - Medical Treatment Incident), Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Minimum Time Ashore, Modification and Test Agreement, motion time analysis10) Сленг: студент-медик, проходящий практику в клинике, любое неофициальное лицо, имеющее доступ к наркотикам (когда дежурного врача нет на месте, ночью), студент-медик, проходящий практику в клинике, интерн и т. д. любое неофициальное лицо, имеющее доступ к наркотикам (когда дежурного врача нет на месте, ночью)11) Вычислительная техника: Main Table Area (CD-MRW), Message Transfer Agent (MTS, OSI, X. 400), Mail Transport Agent (SMTP)12) Нефть: million tonnes per annum, mud tank area13) Связь: Multimedia Terminal Adapter14) Транспорт: Maryland Transport Authority, Maximum Time Aloft, Metropolitan Transit Authority15) Фирменный знак: Maryland Transit Administration16) Деловая лексика: Mandatory Time Away17) Производство: производить для обеспечения наличия18) Сетевые технологии: message transport agent, агент передачи сообщений, программный агент передачи сообщений19) Программирование: (Mail Transport Agent) почтовый транспортный агент (см. Mail Transport Agent)20) Сахалин Ю: million tons per annum21) Химическое оружие: mustard thaw area22) Молочное производство: Milko Tester Automatic23) Интернет: Message Transfer Agent Агент передачи сообщений24) Расширение файла: Message Transfer Agent, Multiple Terminal Access25) Электротехника: Maximal Torque Angle - максимальный угол нагрузки26) Высокочастотная электроника: microwave transition analyzer27) Майкрософт: агент MTA28) Чат: Model Turned Artist29) Правительство: Massachusetts Turnpike Authority30) Программное обеспечение: Mail Transfer Agent, Microsoft Transaction Application Programming Interface31) Музеи: Museum Of Tethered Art -
1) Авиация: standard (instrument) arrival (standard instrument arrival routes), (см.) SIDs and STARs3) Спорт: Skills And Techniques For Advanced Riding, Sport Touring Association Rendezvous, Sports Training Academics And Recreation4) Военный термин: Service Tradition Awards Recognition, Simulation in Training for Advanced Readiness, Situation Task Action Result, Standard Threat Assessment Report, satellite telecommunications automatic routing, selective training and retention, self-testing and repairing, ship tactical airborne RPV, specialized training and reassignment, stacked array radar, staging area, standard approach route, supersonic tactical antiradar, support through aerial resupply, surface-to-air recovery, surveillance, threat assessment report5) Техника: Signaal terminal area radar, satellite telecommunications automatic routing system, ship-tended acoustic relay, shuttle telescopes for astronomical research program, small tactical airborne recorder, standard tantalum active resonator, star and stellar systems advisory committee, stellar attitude reference system, surveillance and target acquisition radar, systems test bed for avionics research7) Юридический термин: Supporting Teens At Risk8) Автомобильный термин: self test automatic readout9) Сокращение: SCOPE Trusted Automatic Router, Shock Technology Applied Research, Simulation Training And Research, Simultaneous Transmission And Reception, Simultaneous Transmit and Receive, Space/Time Adaptive Research (system), Special Threat Analysis and Recognition, Standard Terminal Arrival Route, Strategic & Tactical Airborne Recovery, Strategic-Tactical Airborne Recorder, Submarine Target, Surface To Air Recovery, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance, System Threat Assessment Report, System for Tactical Access to combat Radio, space technology and advanced research10) Университет: Satellite Transmitted Academic Resources, Science Technology And Research, Science To Achieve Results, Scottish Technology And Research, Smart Technology For Academic Rewards, Strategically Targeted Academic Research, Strategies And Techniques For Academic Reinforcement, Student Team About Results, Student Telephone Assisted Registration, Student Tracking Admissions And Registration, Students Taking Action And Responsibility, Students Teaching Arithmetic And Reading11) Физиология: Specialised Trauma Air Response, Steps Towards Allergy Relief, Strategic And Tactical Axiomatic Response12) Электроника: Simultaneous transmitted and reflected13) Вычислительная техника: Shareware Trade Association and Resources (organization)14) Онкология: Sharing Treatment And Recovery15) Космонавтика: Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (NASA)16) Банковское дело: синтетические ценные бумаги с новыми характеристиками, выпущенные на основе других ценных бумаг (securities transferred and repackaged)17) Транспорт: Simplified And Transparent Administration Of Registration18) Воздухоплавание: Standard Terminal Approach Route19) Фирменный знак: Stevens Technology For Arsenic Removal20) Экология: Sustainable Technologies And Renewables21) Деловая лексика: Safety Through Accountability And Recognition, Service Teamwork Achievement And Recognition, Situation, Task, Action, Results, Software Technical Assistance Recognition22) Образование: Skill Talent And Achievement Recognition, Standardized Test For Assessment Of Reading, Statewide Training For Accurate Reference, Striving To Achieve Results, Student Teacher Achievement Recognition, Students Taught Awareness And Resistance, Students That Are Ready, Success Through Academic Readiness, Support Training Advocacy And Resources, Supportive Training Achieves Results23) Инвестиции: securities transferred and repackaged25) Медицинская техника: signal targeting and alternating radiofrequency26) Расширение файла: Self Defining Text Archival27) НАСДАК: Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon28) Программное обеспечение: Software Technology For Action And Reflection -
7 StAR
1) Авиация: standard (instrument) arrival (standard instrument arrival routes), (см.) SIDs and STARs3) Спорт: Skills And Techniques For Advanced Riding, Sport Touring Association Rendezvous, Sports Training Academics And Recreation4) Военный термин: Service Tradition Awards Recognition, Simulation in Training for Advanced Readiness, Situation Task Action Result, Standard Threat Assessment Report, satellite telecommunications automatic routing, selective training and retention, self-testing and repairing, ship tactical airborne RPV, specialized training and reassignment, stacked array radar, staging area, standard approach route, supersonic tactical antiradar, support through aerial resupply, surface-to-air recovery, surveillance, threat assessment report5) Техника: Signaal terminal area radar, satellite telecommunications automatic routing system, ship-tended acoustic relay, shuttle telescopes for astronomical research program, small tactical airborne recorder, standard tantalum active resonator, star and stellar systems advisory committee, stellar attitude reference system, surveillance and target acquisition radar, systems test bed for avionics research7) Юридический термин: Supporting Teens At Risk8) Автомобильный термин: self test automatic readout9) Сокращение: SCOPE Trusted Automatic Router, Shock Technology Applied Research, Simulation Training And Research, Simultaneous Transmission And Reception, Simultaneous Transmit and Receive, Space/Time Adaptive Research (system), Special Threat Analysis and Recognition, Standard Terminal Arrival Route, Strategic & Tactical Airborne Recovery, Strategic-Tactical Airborne Recorder, Submarine Target, Surface To Air Recovery, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance, System Threat Assessment Report, System for Tactical Access to combat Radio, space technology and advanced research10) Университет: Satellite Transmitted Academic Resources, Science Technology And Research, Science To Achieve Results, Scottish Technology And Research, Smart Technology For Academic Rewards, Strategically Targeted Academic Research, Strategies And Techniques For Academic Reinforcement, Student Team About Results, Student Telephone Assisted Registration, Student Tracking Admissions And Registration, Students Taking Action And Responsibility, Students Teaching Arithmetic And Reading11) Физиология: Specialised Trauma Air Response, Steps Towards Allergy Relief, Strategic And Tactical Axiomatic Response12) Электроника: Simultaneous transmitted and reflected13) Вычислительная техника: Shareware Trade Association and Resources (organization)14) Онкология: Sharing Treatment And Recovery15) Космонавтика: Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (NASA)16) Банковское дело: синтетические ценные бумаги с новыми характеристиками, выпущенные на основе других ценных бумаг (securities transferred and repackaged)17) Транспорт: Simplified And Transparent Administration Of Registration18) Воздухоплавание: Standard Terminal Approach Route19) Фирменный знак: Stevens Technology For Arsenic Removal20) Экология: Sustainable Technologies And Renewables21) Деловая лексика: Safety Through Accountability And Recognition, Service Teamwork Achievement And Recognition, Situation, Task, Action, Results, Software Technical Assistance Recognition22) Образование: Skill Talent And Achievement Recognition, Standardized Test For Assessment Of Reading, Statewide Training For Accurate Reference, Striving To Achieve Results, Student Teacher Achievement Recognition, Students Taught Awareness And Resistance, Students That Are Ready, Success Through Academic Readiness, Support Training Advocacy And Resources, Supportive Training Achieves Results23) Инвестиции: securities transferred and repackaged25) Медицинская техника: signal targeting and alternating radiofrequency26) Расширение файла: Self Defining Text Archival27) НАСДАК: Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon28) Программное обеспечение: Software Technology For Action And Reflection -
8 Star
1) Авиация: standard (instrument) arrival (standard instrument arrival routes), (см.) SIDs and STARs3) Спорт: Skills And Techniques For Advanced Riding, Sport Touring Association Rendezvous, Sports Training Academics And Recreation4) Военный термин: Service Tradition Awards Recognition, Simulation in Training for Advanced Readiness, Situation Task Action Result, Standard Threat Assessment Report, satellite telecommunications automatic routing, selective training and retention, self-testing and repairing, ship tactical airborne RPV, specialized training and reassignment, stacked array radar, staging area, standard approach route, supersonic tactical antiradar, support through aerial resupply, surface-to-air recovery, surveillance, threat assessment report5) Техника: Signaal terminal area radar, satellite telecommunications automatic routing system, ship-tended acoustic relay, shuttle telescopes for astronomical research program, small tactical airborne recorder, standard tantalum active resonator, star and stellar systems advisory committee, stellar attitude reference system, surveillance and target acquisition radar, systems test bed for avionics research7) Юридический термин: Supporting Teens At Risk8) Автомобильный термин: self test automatic readout9) Сокращение: SCOPE Trusted Automatic Router, Shock Technology Applied Research, Simulation Training And Research, Simultaneous Transmission And Reception, Simultaneous Transmit and Receive, Space/Time Adaptive Research (system), Special Threat Analysis and Recognition, Standard Terminal Arrival Route, Strategic & Tactical Airborne Recovery, Strategic-Tactical Airborne Recorder, Submarine Target, Surface To Air Recovery, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance, System Threat Assessment Report, System for Tactical Access to combat Radio, space technology and advanced research10) Университет: Satellite Transmitted Academic Resources, Science Technology And Research, Science To Achieve Results, Scottish Technology And Research, Smart Technology For Academic Rewards, Strategically Targeted Academic Research, Strategies And Techniques For Academic Reinforcement, Student Team About Results, Student Telephone Assisted Registration, Student Tracking Admissions And Registration, Students Taking Action And Responsibility, Students Teaching Arithmetic And Reading11) Физиология: Specialised Trauma Air Response, Steps Towards Allergy Relief, Strategic And Tactical Axiomatic Response12) Электроника: Simultaneous transmitted and reflected13) Вычислительная техника: Shareware Trade Association and Resources (organization)14) Онкология: Sharing Treatment And Recovery15) Космонавтика: Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (NASA)16) Банковское дело: синтетические ценные бумаги с новыми характеристиками, выпущенные на основе других ценных бумаг (securities transferred and repackaged)17) Транспорт: Simplified And Transparent Administration Of Registration18) Воздухоплавание: Standard Terminal Approach Route19) Фирменный знак: Stevens Technology For Arsenic Removal20) Экология: Sustainable Technologies And Renewables21) Деловая лексика: Safety Through Accountability And Recognition, Service Teamwork Achievement And Recognition, Situation, Task, Action, Results, Software Technical Assistance Recognition22) Образование: Skill Talent And Achievement Recognition, Standardized Test For Assessment Of Reading, Statewide Training For Accurate Reference, Striving To Achieve Results, Student Teacher Achievement Recognition, Students Taught Awareness And Resistance, Students That Are Ready, Success Through Academic Readiness, Support Training Advocacy And Resources, Supportive Training Achieves Results23) Инвестиции: securities transferred and repackaged25) Медицинская техника: signal targeting and alternating radiofrequency26) Расширение файла: Self Defining Text Archival27) НАСДАК: Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon28) Программное обеспечение: Software Technology For Action And Reflection -
1) Медицина: thrombocytopenia absent radii, tissue-air ratio2) Военный термин: Territorial Army Regulations, Territorial Army Reserve, Testability Analysis Report, Training and Administration of the Reserves, tactical air reconnaissance, tactical air request, tactical aircraft recovery, target acquisition radar, technical action request, technical analysis request, terrain avoidance radar, test action requirements, test agency report, test analysis report, total assets reporting, towed array radar, trajectory analysis room, transportable acoustic range, turnaround ratio3) Техника: terminal area radar, terminal area surveillance radar, threat avoidance receiver, true-amplitude recovery4) Шутливое выражение: Translated Anime Ring5) Страхование: time all risks6) Сокращение: Terminal Access Report, Threat-Avoidance Receiver7) Физиология: Thrombocytopenia Absent Radius8) Вычислительная техника: Tape ARchiver, Tape ARchiver (Unix)9) Геофизика: восстановление истинных амплитуд10) Транспорт: Trans-Asian Railway11) Метрология: test accuracy ratio12) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: turnaround (shutdown of facility for repair/inspection or maintenance)13) Сетевые технологии: Tape ARchive, Tape Archive to Restore14) Генная инженерия: transfection assisted recombination15) Расширение файла: TAR Compressed file archive, Archive format (TAR)16) Фантастика The Apocalypse Riders18) Программное обеспечение: Technical Assistance Request -
10 Tar
1) Медицина: thrombocytopenia absent radii, tissue-air ratio2) Военный термин: Territorial Army Regulations, Territorial Army Reserve, Testability Analysis Report, Training and Administration of the Reserves, tactical air reconnaissance, tactical air request, tactical aircraft recovery, target acquisition radar, technical action request, technical analysis request, terrain avoidance radar, test action requirements, test agency report, test analysis report, total assets reporting, towed array radar, trajectory analysis room, transportable acoustic range, turnaround ratio3) Техника: terminal area radar, terminal area surveillance radar, threat avoidance receiver, true-amplitude recovery4) Шутливое выражение: Translated Anime Ring5) Страхование: time all risks6) Сокращение: Terminal Access Report, Threat-Avoidance Receiver7) Физиология: Thrombocytopenia Absent Radius8) Вычислительная техника: Tape ARchiver, Tape ARchiver (Unix)9) Геофизика: восстановление истинных амплитуд10) Транспорт: Trans-Asian Railway11) Метрология: test accuracy ratio12) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: turnaround (shutdown of facility for repair/inspection or maintenance)13) Сетевые технологии: Tape ARchive, Tape Archive to Restore14) Генная инженерия: transfection assisted recombination15) Расширение файла: TAR Compressed file archive, Archive format (TAR)16) Фантастика The Apocalypse Riders18) Программное обеспечение: Technical Assistance Request -
11 star
1) Авиация: standard (instrument) arrival (standard instrument arrival routes), (см.) SIDs and STARs3) Спорт: Skills And Techniques For Advanced Riding, Sport Touring Association Rendezvous, Sports Training Academics And Recreation4) Военный термин: Service Tradition Awards Recognition, Simulation in Training for Advanced Readiness, Situation Task Action Result, Standard Threat Assessment Report, satellite telecommunications automatic routing, selective training and retention, self-testing and repairing, ship tactical airborne RPV, specialized training and reassignment, stacked array radar, staging area, standard approach route, supersonic tactical antiradar, support through aerial resupply, surface-to-air recovery, surveillance, threat assessment report5) Техника: Signaal terminal area radar, satellite telecommunications automatic routing system, ship-tended acoustic relay, shuttle telescopes for astronomical research program, small tactical airborne recorder, standard tantalum active resonator, star and stellar systems advisory committee, stellar attitude reference system, surveillance and target acquisition radar, systems test bed for avionics research7) Юридический термин: Supporting Teens At Risk8) Автомобильный термин: self test automatic readout9) Сокращение: SCOPE Trusted Automatic Router, Shock Technology Applied Research, Simulation Training And Research, Simultaneous Transmission And Reception, Simultaneous Transmit and Receive, Space/Time Adaptive Research (system), Special Threat Analysis and Recognition, Standard Terminal Arrival Route, Strategic & Tactical Airborne Recovery, Strategic-Tactical Airborne Recorder, Submarine Target, Surface To Air Recovery, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance, System Threat Assessment Report, System for Tactical Access to combat Radio, space technology and advanced research10) Университет: Satellite Transmitted Academic Resources, Science Technology And Research, Science To Achieve Results, Scottish Technology And Research, Smart Technology For Academic Rewards, Strategically Targeted Academic Research, Strategies And Techniques For Academic Reinforcement, Student Team About Results, Student Telephone Assisted Registration, Student Tracking Admissions And Registration, Students Taking Action And Responsibility, Students Teaching Arithmetic And Reading11) Физиология: Specialised Trauma Air Response, Steps Towards Allergy Relief, Strategic And Tactical Axiomatic Response12) Электроника: Simultaneous transmitted and reflected13) Вычислительная техника: Shareware Trade Association and Resources (organization)14) Онкология: Sharing Treatment And Recovery15) Космонавтика: Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (NASA)16) Банковское дело: синтетические ценные бумаги с новыми характеристиками, выпущенные на основе других ценных бумаг (securities transferred and repackaged)17) Транспорт: Simplified And Transparent Administration Of Registration18) Воздухоплавание: Standard Terminal Approach Route19) Фирменный знак: Stevens Technology For Arsenic Removal20) Экология: Sustainable Technologies And Renewables21) Деловая лексика: Safety Through Accountability And Recognition, Service Teamwork Achievement And Recognition, Situation, Task, Action, Results, Software Technical Assistance Recognition22) Образование: Skill Talent And Achievement Recognition, Standardized Test For Assessment Of Reading, Statewide Training For Accurate Reference, Striving To Achieve Results, Student Teacher Achievement Recognition, Students Taught Awareness And Resistance, Students That Are Ready, Success Through Academic Readiness, Support Training Advocacy And Resources, Supportive Training Achieves Results23) Инвестиции: securities transferred and repackaged25) Медицинская техника: signal targeting and alternating radiofrequency26) Расширение файла: Self Defining Text Archival27) НАСДАК: Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon28) Программное обеспечение: Software Technology For Action And Reflection -
12 tar
1) Медицина: thrombocytopenia absent radii, tissue-air ratio2) Военный термин: Territorial Army Regulations, Territorial Army Reserve, Testability Analysis Report, Training and Administration of the Reserves, tactical air reconnaissance, tactical air request, tactical aircraft recovery, target acquisition radar, technical action request, technical analysis request, terrain avoidance radar, test action requirements, test agency report, test analysis report, total assets reporting, towed array radar, trajectory analysis room, transportable acoustic range, turnaround ratio3) Техника: terminal area radar, terminal area surveillance radar, threat avoidance receiver, true-amplitude recovery4) Шутливое выражение: Translated Anime Ring5) Страхование: time all risks6) Сокращение: Terminal Access Report, Threat-Avoidance Receiver7) Физиология: Thrombocytopenia Absent Radius8) Вычислительная техника: Tape ARchiver, Tape ARchiver (Unix)9) Геофизика: восстановление истинных амплитуд10) Транспорт: Trans-Asian Railway11) Метрология: test accuracy ratio12) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: turnaround (shutdown of facility for repair/inspection or maintenance)13) Сетевые технологии: Tape ARchive, Tape Archive to Restore14) Генная инженерия: transfection assisted recombination15) Расширение файла: TAR Compressed file archive, Archive format (TAR)16) Фантастика The Apocalypse Riders18) Программное обеспечение: Technical Assistance Request -
13 Section
Accident Investigation and Prevention Section — Секция расследования и предотвращения авиационных происшествий (ИКАО)
Aerodromes, Air Routes and Ground Aids Section — Секция аэродромов, воздушных трасс и наземных средств (ИКАО)
Interpretation, Terminology and Reference Section — Секция синхронного перевода, терминологии и справок (ИКАО)
Personnel Licensing and Training Practices Section — Секция свидетельств и подготовки личного состава (ИКАО)
Rules of the Air, Air Traffic Services and Search and Rescue Section — Секция правил полётов, обслуживания воздушного движения и поисково-спасательных работ (ИКАО)
14 section
Accident Investigation and Prevention SectionСекция расследования и предотвращения авиационных происшествий(ИКАО) Aerodromes, Air Routes and Ground Aids SectionСекция аэродромов, воздушных трасс и наземных средств(ИКАО) aerofoil sectionучасток аэродинамической поверхностиaerofoil section chordхорда профиля несущей поверхностиAeronautical Information and Chart SectionСекция аэронавигационной информации и карт(ИКАО) aileron sectionотсек элеронаAir Carrier Tariffs SectionСекция тарифов воздушных перевозчиков(ИКАО) aircraft nose sectionносовая часть воздушного суднаair inlet sectionвходное воздушное устройство(двигателя) Air Transport Studies SectionСекция исследования воздушного транспорта(ИКАО) Aviation Medicine SectionСекция авиационной медицины(ИКАО) Aviation Security SectionСекция авиационной безопасности(ИКАО) axial sectionосевое сечениеblade sectionсечение лопастиBudget Control SectionСекция контроля за выполнением бюджета(ИКАО) center section panelпанель центропланаcenter wing sectionцентроплан крылаcombustion sectionблок камеры сгоранияCommunication SectionСекция связи(ИКАО) compressor sectionузел компрессораdetachable sectionсъемная секцияEconomics SectionЭкономическая секция(ИКАО) extra section flightполет по дополнительному маршрутуFacilitation SectionСекция упрощения формальностей(ИКАО) fan sectionузел вентилятораFellowships SectionСекция предоставления стипендий(ИКАО) Field Operations SectionСекция осуществления проектов на местах(ИКАО) Field Personnel SectionСекция управления кадрами на местах(ИКАО) Field Procurement SectionСекция снабжения на местах(ИКАО) filtering sectionфильтрующая секцияfuselage nose sectionносовая часть фюзеляжаfuselage tail sectionхвостовая часть фюзеляжаInternal Audit SectionСекция внутренней ревизии(ИКАО) Interpretation, Terminology and Reference SectionСекция синхронного перевода, терминологии и справок(ИКАО) Joint Financing SectionСекция совместного финансирования(ИКАО) Meteorology SectionМетеорологическая секция(ИКАО) oil pressure sectionнагнетающая ступень маслоагрегата(двигателя) oil scavenge sectionоткачивающая ступень маслоагрегата(двигателя) operations-airworthiness SectionСекция полетов и летной годности(ИКАО) Personnel Licensing and Training Practices SectionСекция свидетельств и подготовки личного состава(ИКАО) Publications SectionСекция публикаций(ИКАО) Recruitment and Placement SectionСекция найма и оформления(ИКАО) Registry and Distribution SectionСекция регистрации и распространения(ИКАО) Regular Programme Accounts sectionСекция расчетов по регулярной программе(ИКАО) section chordхорда сеченияStaff Administration sectionСекция учета кадров(ИКАО) Statistics sectionСтатистическая секция(ИКАО) Systems Study sectionСекция изучения авиационных систем(ИКАО) Technical Assistance Accounts sectionСекция расчетов по вопросам технической помощи(ИКАО) Technical Support sectionСекция технической поддержки(ИКАО) wing sectionпрофиль крыла -
15 board
1. n1) правление; совет; коллегия2) брит. министерство3) борт (корабля)4) доска; щит
- administration board
- advertising board
- advisory board
- Big Board
- big board
- broker's board
- council board
- editorial board
- equalization board
- examining board
- executive board
- fact-finding board
- fascia board
- Federal Farm Loan Board
- Federal Maritime Board
- Federal Reserve Board
- full board
- government patent board
- harbour board
- judicial board
- management board
- managerial board
- managing board
- marketing board
- municipal board
- National Industrial Conference Board
- product-control board
- product-quality board
- publicity board
- quotation board
- railway board
- supervisory board
- Technical Assistance Board
- Trade and Development Board
- board of administration
- Board of Admiralty
- board of appeals
- board of arbitration
- board of auditors
- board of brokers
- Board of Banking Supervision
- board of complaint
- board of creditors
- Board of Customs and Excise
- board of directors
- board of equalization
- board of examiners
- board of governors
- Board of Governors of the Federal System
- Board of Health
- Board of Inland Revenue
- board of justices
- board of management
- board of supervisors
- Board of Trade
- board of trustees
- board and lodging
- on board
- free on board
- on board a ship
- join the board
- place on board
- put up on the board
- sit on the board as a representative of the bank
- take on board2. vсадиться на корабль; амер. садиться в поезд, на самолет -
16 OTA
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Office of Technology Assessment2) Военный термин: One True Army, officer training allowance, operational tasking authority3) Техника: official test aerosol, omnidirectional transmitter antenna, open test assembly, operational transconductance amplifier, orbital telescope assembly4) Сельское хозяйство: Охратоксин А (Ochratoxin A)5) Телекоммуникации: Over The Air6) Сокращение: Office of Technical Assistance, Office of Technology Assessment (USA), Optical Telescope Assembly, Overflight Top Attack, Turkish, Ottoman (1500 - 1928), Optical Telescope Assembly (on HST)7) Электроника: Operational Transistor Amplifier8) Вычислительная техника: Office of Technology Assessment, Optical Telescope Assembly (on HST, Space), Office of Technology Assessment (organization, IBM, HP, AEG, AT&T, SNI)9) Транспорт: Ontario Trucking Association10) Фирменный знак: Open Travel Alliance, Organic Trade Association11) Образование: Office of Internal Administration12) Сетевые технологии: Over The Air( технология беспроводной передачи данных на сотовый аппарат или с него)13) Туризм: (online travel agency) интернет-бюро путешествий, (online travel agency) онлайновое бюро путешествий14) Безопасность: Online Trust Alliance15) Расширение файла: Operation-Triggered Architecture16) Общественная организация: Orthopaedic Trauma Association17) Должность: Occupational Therapist Assistant19) Программное обеспечение: Open Tools Api -
17 Bureau
18 bureau
Air Navigation BureauАэронавигационное управлениеAir Transport BureauАвиатранспортное управлениеBureau of Administration and ServicesАдминистративно-хозяйственное управлениеLegal BureauЮридическое управлениеTechnical Assistance BureauУправление технической помощиweather bureauметеобюро -
19 center
центр; пункт; пост; узел; середина; научпо-иселсдовагсльскпй центр, НИЦ; выводить на середину; арт. корректировать; центрировать;air C3 center — центр руководства, управления и связи ВВС
general supply (commodity) center — центр [пункт] снабжения предметами общего предназначения
hard launch (operations) control center — ркт. центр [пункт] управления пуском, защищенный от (поражающих факторов) ЯВ
launch (operations) control center — ркт. пункт управления стартового комплекса [пуском ракет]
tactical fighter weapons (employment development) center — центр разработки способов боевого применения оружия истребителей ТА
— all-sources intelligence center— C center— combat control center— educational center— logistical operations center— logistics services center— operational center— secured communications center— skill development center -
20 officer
офицер; должностное лицо; сотрудник; укомплектовывать офицерским составом; командоватьAir officer, Administration, Strike Command — Бр. начальник административного управления командования ВВС в Великобритании
Air officer, Engineering, Strike Command — Бр. начальник инженерно-технического управления командования ВВС в Великобритании
Air officer, Maintenance, RAF Support Command — Бр. начальник управления технического обслуживания командования тыла ВВС
Air officer, Training, RAF Support Command — начальник управления подготовки ЛС командования тыла ВВС
assistant G3 plans officer — помощник начальника оперативного отдела [отделения] по планированию
Flag officer, Germany — командующий ВМС ФРГ
Flag officer, Naval Air Command — Бр. командующий авиацией ВМС
Flag officer, Submarines — Бр. командующий подводными силами ВМС
float an officer (through personnel channels) — направлять личное дело офицера (в различные кадровые инстанции);
General officer Commanding, Royal Marines — Бр. командующий МП
General officer Commanding, the Artillery Division — командир артиллерийской дивизии (БРА)
landing zone (aircraft) control officer — офицер по управлению авиацией в районе десантирования (ВДВ)
officer, responsible for the exercise — офицер, ответственный за учение (ВМС)
Principal Medical officer, Strike Command — Бр. начальник медицинской службы командования ВВС в Великобритании
Senior Air Staff officer, Strike Command — Бр. НШ командования ВВС в Великобритании
senior officer, commando assault unit — Бр. командир штурмового отряда «коммандос»
senior officer, naval assault unit — Бр. командир военно-морского штурмового отряда
senior officer, naval build-up unit — Бр. командир военно-морского отряда наращивания сил десанта
senior officer, present — старший из присутствующих начальников
senior officer, Royal Artillery — Бр. старший начальник артиллерии
senior officer, Royal Engineers — Бр. старший начальник инженерных войск
short service term (commissioned) officer — Бр. офицер, призываемый на кратковременную службу; офицер, проходящий службу по краткосрочному контракту
tactical air officer (afloat) — офицер по управлению ТА поддержки (морского) десанта (на корабле управления)
The Dental officer, US Marine Corps — начальник зубоврачебной службы МП США
The Medical officer, US Marine Corps — начальник медицинской службы МП США
— burial supervising officer— company grade officer— education services officer— field services officer— fire prevention officer— general duty officer— information activities officer— logistics readiness officer— regular commissioned officer— security control officer— supply management officer— transportation officer— water supply officer* * *
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
technical assistance — ▪ international aid form of aid given to less developed countries by international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and its agencies, individual governments, foundations, and philanthropic institutions. Its object is to provide … Universalium
Local technical assistance program — The Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) is a Federal Highway Administration technology transfer program that provides technical assistance and training to local highway departments in the USA. It transfers knowledge of innovative… … Wikipedia
Administration for Children and Families — Administration for Children Families Agency overview Agency executive David Hansell, Assistant Secretary (Acting) Parent agency United States Department of Health and Human Services Website http://ww … Wikipedia
Administration of federal assistance in the United States — In the United States of America, Federal assistance, also known as federal aid, federal benefits, or federal funds, is defined as any federal program, project, service, and activity provided by the U.S. federal government that directly assists or … Wikipedia
Technical intelligence — In a pure military context, Technical Intelligence (TECHINT) is intelligence about weapons and equipment used by the armed forces of foreign nations (often referred to as foreign materiel).The related term, scientific and technical intelligence,… … Wikipedia
Technical Education Center Osceola — Infobox School name = Technical Education Center Osceola established = 1994 type = Public secondary accreditation = [http://www.council.org/ Council on Occupational Education (COE)] [http://www.sacs.org/ Southern Association of Colleges and… … Wikipedia
Assistance aux utilisateurs — Services d assistance En informatique, les services d assistance, ou support aux utilisateurs, correspondent aux activités de Service support (ITIL) du référentiel ITIL. Ils consistent à aider les utilisateurs à résoudre un problème dans l… … Wikipédia en Français
Technical features new to Windows Vista — This article is part of a series on Windows Vista New features Overview Technical and core system Security and safety Networking technologies I/O technologies Management and administration Removed features … Wikipedia
public administration — 1. the implementation of public policy, largely by the executive branch. 2. a field of study preparing persons for careers in such work. * * * Introduction the implementation of government policies. Today public administration is often… … Universalium
Federal Transit Administration — Agency overview Formed July 9, 1964 Headquarters Washington, D.C. Agency executive Peter Rogoff, Administrator Parent agency Department of Transportation … Wikipedia
National College of Public Administration and Governance — at University of the Philippines Diliman Established 1952 Type College Dean Edna E.A. Co, D.P.A. Location Quezon City … Wikipedia